Common Ground is a fat quarter-friendly pattern and is a great way to show off your favourite fabrics. It features “half-rectangle triangles” and stripes for a modern classic look. It’s available here in print with a special fat quarter bundle, or as a stand-alone digital pattern here (which is 10% off until Tuesday, May 5, 2020!).

Pattern includes SIX sizes: baby/wall quilt (36″ x 36″), small throw (48″ x 48″), throw (48″ x 60″), twin (60″ x 84″), double/full (72″ x 84″) and queen (84″ x 96″).

There are four alternative layouts in addition to the different sizes, as well as an interactive colouring page to test out your fabrics and your own layouts!
A comprehensive introduction to half-rectangle triangles (HRT) can be found here.
A comprehensive introduction to half-rectangle triangles (HRT) can be found here.
Looking for the fabric bundle in the sample quilt? You can purchase it with the printed pattern at Keephouse Studio.
Here’s a spring version by Emma Poliquin, in the baby size, but she added a border to make it just a bit bigger:

One with solids by Anja Clyke shows off an alternate layout (stripes are at the edge!). The fabrics include some Essex Yarn-Dyed cotton/linen blends with Kona cotton solids — it has a cozy and autumnal feel.
This twin sized version is made with Figo Fabrics’ soon-to-be-released Glasshouse collection designed by Emily Taylor. These blues and greens are so dreamy, pieced by Dena Emeneau:
An acid lime baby version by Adrienne of Seam Work. I love the low-volume background she picked!
Que precioso tu trabajo y cada diseño!!!
Thank you, Emi!